Opening up a shop online to sell printables can be a great way of making passive income online. Printables are always in demand and once you create a design, you can sell it a million times with no stock to worry about and little overheads making it a great business to get into.
You don’t even have to be graphically inclined. As I point out below, there are quite a few printable creators that will sell you their designs which you can turnaround and sell yourself. You can put you own branding on it, change the colors, do anything you want to it, use it to create a whole suite of products and sell it over and over again. I’ll teach you all the amazing ways you can make money with printables and point out some hot sellers in this post.
Be sure to check out this post on printables if you have no clue what they are or how to get started.

Printable Ideas to Sell
You may be thinking that printables are only planners or calendars but there’s a whole world of printables out there to explore. These listed are the most popular sellers across sites such as Etsy, Amazon, RedBubble and Shopify. A few places that you may want to list your printables on when you’re ready to open up shop.
Let’s look more at the types of printables available to you. If you’re not a graphic type person or simply want to get started quickly, I’ve linked to several printable stores and products that allow you to buy, redesign, and rebrand their printables and resell them as your own. These printables are gorgeous and will make your job super easy. No altering needed, feel free to resell them as is!
Need help selling printables? This step-by-step resource is just what you need.
Planners are popular printables because we all use some form of planner to keep parts of our lives together. Some of us love paper and will always jot our appointments and things to do in physical planners. Some people love to browse stationery shops looking for planners while others like to print their own planners since they can customise them by printing only the pages they need.
There are various forms of planners too. There are calendar planners, planners for special events like wedding planners, 9-month baby planners, baby’s first-year planners, baby shower planners, Thanksgiving dinner planners, Christmas holiday planners to keep everything like gifts, meal plans and decor in one place, organization and budgeting planners, renovation project planners, school planners, kids activity planners, meal planners, and general housekeeping planners.

You could make a lot of money just selling planners! Get a wide variety of planners that you can resell here and even more amazing planners here (I highly recommend the emergency medical planner!) But there’s still quite a bit more types of printables to get through.
Planner Pages
Did you know that you can sell the inside pages of planners to make extra money? Lots of printable shop owners have several big themed planners and additional pages that can be used to customize your planners. For example, you might sell a weight loss tracker page that can be added to a meal planner. Or perhaps a water log page. Or a sleep log page. Or a steps tracker. This way, a customer who wants to merge a meal plan and a fitness planner into one can customise their own planner without having to buy two separate planners.
Coloring Pages
Coloring pages are hugely popular for adults and children alike. These sell as individual pages or themed in a bundle to create a coloring book. Businesses buy these pages too since adult coloring pages are used in therapeutic practices to help calm anxiety.
I like to create a few coloring page printables with affirmations to help with meditation. As you are focused on your task, the affirmation seeps into your subconscious mind. It’s incredibly soothing. Other popular coloring page categories include mandalas, animals and mythical creatures and holiday-themed pages.
Get beautifully designed done-for-you coloring pages you can resell here.
Scrapbooking Pages
Scrapbooking pages are another type of popular printable.
You can create printables for baby photos that might feature designs such as baby bottles and bibs or little baby animals. Some scrapbooking pages will have a layout design in shapes such as ovals, squares or rectangles as spaces for the user to stick their photos.
These pages can center around seasons or events such as weddings, first home, or baby showers. They can feature themes like love or special days such as Mother’s Day. The possibilities are endless.
You can create scrapbook pages that are designed with various backgrounds too such as a rose print background or a four-leaf clover background. You could use stars or trees or showcase the season with fall leaves. This will help your shop to appeal to a wide variety of customers.
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Schoolwork Pages
Schoolwork pages are another type of printable that sells well. These are booming in sales currently, with more parents choosing to take the homeschool or virtual education route.
They can be traditional preschool printables that use connect the dots to help a child learn numbers and counting. You can create pages that feature toys to count – or that have kids counting shapes.
You can create alphabet sheets so that a child can practice his or her handwriting. Some printables have math problems to solve. Others have animals to color.
Some sheets will help with spelling or punctuation. They can teach colors or time and hundreds of other things that children commonly learn. All you would need to do is to look at what kids are learning at what age and set up printables targeted towards that age group.
Parents and teachers alike buy and use printables for kids’ schoolwork and instruction. Get homeschool printables you can resell as your own here.
Wall Art and Craft Printables
Wall art is one area under printables that can house so many different designs and themes.
These can be created for any room of the home or college dorm room. You can also create wall art for outdoor living spaces. Some types of printables under this heading could be ones that focus on phrases. I have a few of these that I use as props in my background whenever I’m creating Youtube videos or in a Zoom call.
These can be simple phrases like “Keep Dreaming” or “Love is All You Need” or you can create ones that use longer sentences. Wall art printables can be made with initials surrounded by designs like flowers or other designs.
Using last names and “established in” followed by a date are popular wall art printables.
Welcome signs and “Home Sweet Home” types of popular wall art printable. First names of family members are popular wall art décor, too – especially in children’s rooms.
So are things that pertain to stuff like coffee or cooking or pets. Family sayings and designs are a big seller in wall art printables. You can create ones that are made of abstracts or flower patterns.
They can be created with seasons in mind. For example, you could have a wall art printable with a pumpkin design on it and the words “Pumpkin Patch Ahead.” You can do the same for Christmas themed wall art like images of Santa or reindeer or snowmen with or without phrases.
Crafting is another huge printable market that never goes out of buyers. Mothers are often looking for easy crafts they can do with their kids and will buy these printables regularly.
Journals and Journal Pages
Journals and journal pages are also a popular type of printable. These can be created with a variety of designs like hearts, flowers, or other cute images.
What some people do is alternate lined pages with pages that have a quote or uplifting phrase on one part of the page. These are often designed with boxes. So you might have two square spaces at the top of a page for a date and a theme along with a rectangular box at the bottom for notes and details.
Some people sell journal page packages as refills to go along with a perpetual journal. Gratitude journals and journal pages are very popular in this category.

Stickers are a form of printables that people enjoy buying. You can create these using stock art, self-design them, or buy premade designs to sell. They can be phrases, statements, colors, animals, angels, butterflies, hearts, books, or whatever it is that you want to create.
They can target a specific audience or be set up for broad appeal. They can be made to use on computers, on notebooks, on phone cases, or anything else that you can think of. Laptop stickers are a huge market right now.
Some shop owners design and sell sticker pages separately while others sell them in conjunction with things like journals.
Invitations and Stationery
Invitations are another type of printable that can be used to make money. People like to buy these as printables since they can be customized for the event. Create some for birthday celebrations, for a baby shower or for a wedding or wedding anniversary, and some generic ones that can be used for any event.
Stationery is another form of printable people love. These can be designed however you like. You might create simple, lined pages or, you can create pages that have designs like flowers, fruit, rainbows, whimsical creatures, animals and more.
You can use bright, bold colors or soft, pastel ones. Stationery can also be designed for specific holidays or events.
Workbooks, Worksheets and Checklists
Checklists are another type of printable. These can be used for personal or professional needs.
Consumers use checklists for help remembering all the things that need to be done. These might be for events like a wedding. Or in business, it could be a checklist for a product launch.
Worksheets are also part of the printables niche. These worksheets can be for any topic. Some people use these to work through a problem such as with debt or finances. They’ll use a financial planning worksheet.
This worksheet might have things on it like goals, budget, and savings directed toward a need or desire. Spreadsheets are similar to trackers and usually have columns consumers can use to input their data to track progress like financial goals or to make changes in their lives, such as with diet or fitness.
Workbooks are printables but are usually several pages or more together in one. These workbooks can be on any topic and any niche.
The most popular niches for workbooks include health and self-improvement such as creating new habits, losing weight, eating healthier, and exercise. They can also center on financial health, which would be any topic relating to money including debt relief, budgeting and investing.
Some printable workbooks are designed for relationships. These would have things on them to improve or strengthen the relationship. For example, one for intimate partners might have fill in the blank questions asking the consumer to write down something he or she likes about their partner.
These workbooks usually focus on how to develop a healthy relationship with the various people in a person’s life. These can be used in the corporate space as well to enhance team-building. Some workbooks are inspirational or spiritual in nature and work on helping the consumer to find peace or to bolster their faith.
Printable Templates
Printable templates are designs of whatever you decide. For example, you can design a template for making paper Halloween masks. Fake money is a popular printable template as well as blank checks for manifesting.
These can also be created for things like household chores, for name tags, for frames and more. Try some coupon printables, bingo printables, first day of school printables, birthday banners, cake toppers and more.

Strategic Tips to Help Your Printables Sell Well
Deciding to sell printables online sure is exciting, so I wanted to give you some tips to help you sell more printables. I don’t want to send you off on this journey and leave you high and dry! Follow these tips to help bolster your success as a printables store owner.
1. Invest in Quality Sales Copy
When you create your store listings, be sure to fully explain the value of your printable. “Here’s a student planner” doesn’t connect with people nearly as much as “Need to get your school life together?” What you want to do is show the potential customer why they need the printable that you’re selling.
If you can’t think of a reason why, then neither will the audience.
2. Define Your Return Policy
Some people who sell printables offer a money-back guarantee. Whether or not you do so is a personal preference. You may have customers who download the product to use it then want their money back.
That’s wrong, but it’s not worth getting into a hassle with one or two people who try to take advantage of you. Usually, it’s only one or two people who’ll come back and ask for a refund.
If that happens, you’re better off biting your tongue and just refunding them. Unless you see that this person does the same across your other printable products as well. If you have multiple people asking for refunds, check your product quality.
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3. Have More Info than Needed
Always answer questions, even if they’re redundant. It’s important to have an FAQ page that answers some of the common questions and include this link on all sales listings.
You also want to be sure to answer any comments or incoming emails promptly. This shows the potential client that there is a real human on standby waiting to help with any purchase issues, should they arise.
4. Ask for Reviews
A happy buyer can bring other people to the platform. Try to cultivate positive reviews. You can’t make people leave a review, but you can ask them.
You shouldn’t offer a discount to those who leave a review because that’s not ethical and some platforms frown on that behavior. You can simply ask for testimonials in your delivery emails if someone has used your product and found it helpful.
5. Offer Multiple Checkout Options
Firstly, make sure that it’s easy for the customer to check out on whatever site you’re using. If you’re selling on an established platform, this step should be taken care of for you.
But if you’ve uploaded printables on your own site, then make sure that your shopping cart software is customer friendly and offer several payment options. When it comes to printables, you want to give the customers options.
This will help your products sell well. Under options, size is one of them. You want to appeal to as many different people as you can. That means that your product should come in standard size, but should also be offered in smaller sizes.
For example, while many people like a full-sized printable journal, while others prefer ones that fit more easily into a pocket or a purse. Another good strategy is to offer choices in color or black and white as well as lined and unlined pages.
6. Remember Holidays!
You’re missing out big time if you’re not designing printables around all the holidays. You want to release special printables around holidays like Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and any other special day that you can think of.
7. Implement Email Marketing
Create an email list your customers can sign up for. You can send them notices about upcoming printables and sales you’re launching. After every sale, make sure you practice email marketing follow up.
This can be a quick email to the buyer thanking them for their purchase but adding a note that says “I noticed you purchased ABC. You might also be interested in DEF.”
Learn more about email marketing here.
I hope these tips are helpful to you. Good luck selling more printables!

I’ve recently discovered the world of printables and these are great ideas! I guess the options are only limited by your imagination. I’m saving this post. Thanks for sharing.